Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Response to ?'s ch6 and 11

I think I would rather have more technology within the classroom for many reasons. 1 being that having digital technology within the classroom makes it easier for student to find certain information for their projects and papers. I also think this would also benefit those who our struggling at home for money and do not have computers to there access that this would be a great opportunity for those students to be able to adapt to that technology.

The older technology that we may use still within classrooms today are cassette tapes.  Using this kids and even when I was in my french class we would sing songs like the alphabet and or songs that would teach us words in french.  Teachers who have been along longer will have more access to this and will be able to use it in there class rooms especially if it is an older song that they can not find a digital version of it.  
Now cds are very similar other than they do not need to be flipped and can store more songs and be used on modern technology.  They can be used to read stories to the classroom and can also be copied to be given to students.  Unlike cassette tapes.    

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It's All About Me

So this blog will hopefully be posting about my college running experience as I run almost every day at Bowling Green Ohio, as I live on campus at Bowling Green State University.  I run at least 3 miles a day up to 10 just depends how I am feeling but the things I see happen are crazy especially on my night runs.  As many people know who have seen me is that I am a ginger.  No not one of those daywalkers but a full blown ginger and the messed up part is I'm not irish what so ever.  I'm actually Italian more than anything else.  With the last name of Pasqualini nothing gets more Italian than that right there.